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Today marks the one year anniversary of my grandmother’s death. Today, my post is the eulogy that I gave at her funeral. Enjoy and be blessed.
When I was thinking about what I wanted to say, I kept going back to family. What was my Grandma most proud of? Her family. She loved her family above all else. Her three sons, her grandchildren, and her great-grandchildren are what she was proud of. What I don’t think she realized is that we were just as proud of her. She lost both her parents at a young age, but overcame this and was a great mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I have many memories of my grandma over the last 43 years. Here are a few things I will always remember about my Grandma:
The smell of Oil of Olay
The smell of Wisk on sheets
Eating breakfast at her house
Eating Sunday dinner at her house
Wearing house shoes
Snapping green beans
Lawrence Welk
Opryland – her love for shows
Going to Meigs County and seeing her family
Her brushing my hair
Holding her hand in mine when she lost Grandpa
Although every memory with her is precious, I would have to say that my most treasured ones are the ones that I had with her just this week. Sitting beside her in the hospital-holding her hand, playing Lawrence Welk for her on my phone, looking into her eyes and telling her that I loved her, and watching her take her last breath are moments that I will never forget. I will forever by changed by those moments, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
I can only imagine the reunion she was part of in Heaven with her parents, Grandpa, and her friends and family. While I am sad, I am so proud for her and know that I will see her again. Thank you, Grandma, for loving me and for giving me that time with you. I hope that I make you proud everyday for the rest of my life.