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Getting Bloggy With It

October 7, 2008

Thoughts I am Thinking

How is it that when I have plenty of time (AKA this summer) that I didn’t get any jobs and now that I am in the throes of school (AKA lots of reading) that I get 6-8 a week? I really don’t get it, but that is why I haven’t been doing much on the old blog. I have a regular client that I love to work for and she keeps me as busy as I want to be, but these little jobs from former clients of mine are what throws a wrench in my plans. I hate to turn down money (who does?), but sometimes I just want to stop working altogether and take a breath. Then my mind goes to “what if we need the money and I have severed all of these relationships. What will I do then?” This is what keeps me saying, “Yes” and then plowing through.

Other thoughts turn to Halloween. I have wanted to dress up the last few years and I finally took the plunge. Here is my skirt for my costume.

Isn’t it cute? My mom gave me the idea and I found this one on ebay. I just love ebay. I figure I can wear it several Halloweens with a white shirt and keds. Put my hair up in a pony tail and I am ready to go. I am ready for Halloween!

I have renewed my commitment to Bible study this week. I have started “A Mom After God’s Own Heart” by Elizabeth George and am really enjoying it. It has made my day much smoother all around. I don’t know why I quit Bible study-I know that it is the most important part of the day. 

I have also renewed my commitment to exercise and health. Notice I didn’t say “diet.” I am staying away from that word as it seems to make my body swell up with fat!LOL 

I am trying to get my house in order, study for four classes, do 5 (of the 8 I got this week) more jobs, and take care of the kids (fall break). Juggling is what I do best!

How is your week going? 

Smiles and Loves!

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