Hi! Welcome! Here you will find my thoughts, musings, poems, funnies, and other things that made me think, laugh, and wonder.
Come join me!
I have been spending time with God each morning this summer and He has been showing me so many things through His Word and through reading a chapter of “Chase the Lion” each day. So far, I have read Esther and Ruth, and just started Jeremiah today. Why did I pick these?
I always loved the story of Esther who was put into a position that could have exterminated the Jews in her nation, but instead, they were raised up to leadership through Mordecai. She was put there “for such a time as this,” which is always a good reminder when you are trying to find God’s will for your life. She pushed back her own fear (good lesson for everyone) and did what she felt God was leading her to do. Great lesson for me in this season.
Ruth. Wow. Every time I read it, I find something new. When I was reading the first chapter, I thought why did Ruth stay with Naomi? I mean, she left her people to go to a land where she knew she would not be accepted. However, I have to think that the love of God show through Naomi is what led her to follow Naomi and, thus, God. She’s in the lineage of Jesus! Amazing story of following God and finding redemption that can be an allegory to the redemption of Jesus dying for our sins. My heart is full, ya’ll.
So why Jeremiah? My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11. However, I have never read the entire chapter that I remember. So, I started it today with the first chapter and then read the commentary to learn more about what was going on in the background. I am so loving my time with God. He is blessing this hour or so that I am spending with Him every morning and I just can’t thank Him enough.
What do you do during your Jesus time? Do you have a set thing or do you do? Comment and tell me:)
Be Blessed today and every day!