Hi! Welcome! Here you will find my thoughts, musings, poems, funnies, and other things that made me think, laugh, and wonder. 

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corner of the web

The Strength of Resilency

Boy howdy has it been a week. Actually, it has been a wild two weeks. I started a new job two weeks ago today and at first, I loved it. I was making more than I had ever made, but I was also working more hours than I had ever worked. It was a job […]

August 15, 2019


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Finding My Happy Place

I have been on a personal journey this summer to try to find my happy place. I have been in a period of flux with my kids growing older and going off to college and creating their own lives. I have three children. My son is working full time and my oldest daughter will go […]

July 15, 2019


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Loving Myself

See this picture? A wonderful friend of mine posted it on social media today and my first thought was “Look at how big my arm is. I shouldn’t have got in that picture.” Isn’t that sad? How many times have you chosen to not get into a picture to memorialize an event or experience? If […]

June 30, 2019


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But God…

I was molested by someone I trusted, but God…  I could have turned my back on God when my best friend was killed in a car accident when we were 20, but God… I was almost raped and was abused by putting myself in bad situations, but God… I could have died or killed someone […]

June 17, 2019


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God Given Dreams

Something I am thinking about today. I hope everyone is having a great day! Be Blessed today and everyday!

June 13, 2019


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Holy Is the Lord

While enjoying my “porch time” this morning, I was listening to this song. It has been a favorite of mine for around 15 years for many different reasons, including the lyrics. Lord you’re holy, Lord you’re holy and we lift you up and magnify your name Lord you’re holy, Lord you’re holy and we lift you […]

June 12, 2019


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Finding My Own Way

I am almost 48 years old. Yikes! I thought I would have it all figured out by now, but alas, I do not. Instead, I am still searching for my path. I am good at finding a path, but is it truly the one I need to be on? That is the question.  In 2011, […]

June 11, 2019


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Cultivating Adult Friendships

How many true friends do you have? I am talking about someone that you would call in the middle of the night if you needed prayer type of friend. How many? For many, this number would be low or even zero. Making and keeping friends as adult women is difficult. Not only are we caught […]

October 9, 2018


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Dreaming a New Dream

What dreams have you had lately? My dreams have been full of change. I can see why. This has been a few years of change with starting a business, selling our home, moving to a new home, changing churches, moving one of my chicks into college, and letting go of things we are no longer […]

October 1, 2018


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Dream Big!

Dreaming a new dream. All I can think is the song from Les Miserables “I Dreamed a Dream.” It just keeps running through my head, even though my life is definitely not like Fantine’s, some of the words describe how I feel or have felt. Here are the parts that keep running through my head:  […]

January 3, 2016


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